Server and staff pagers

Whether you’re replacing that old call bell or streamlining your entire operation, we have a restaurant server pager system that fits your needs. All of our server pagers can be called from the kitchen transmitter as well as the host transmitter if you are using LRS guest paging system.

Our server pagers for restaurants offer on-site programming. If a pager is lost or broken, you simply reprogram another pager for that number. White boards or grease pencils are no longer needed because now your server pager number is the same as your server ID. The chef knows the number to page because it will be printed on the ticket as the server ID.

With our restaurant server pager systems, you'll keep your servers on the floor interacting with guests, increase check averages and deliver food at its proper temperature.


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Server Paging Systems

Server Pager transmitter 9000 Series

Server Pager Transmitter LCK

> T9101 Transmitters

Page servers when food is ready and serve your orders at the proper temperature every time.

> T9601

The latest innovation in our server transmitter line. The T9601 can page up to 16 pagers.

> T9550 LCK

Our rechargeable, low-cost kitchen transmitter can page up to 12 server pagers and provides a mobile solution.